Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pants Off Dance Off

How incredibly embarrassing. I feel like I've been caught with my pants off... but not really. For the longest time I've been raving about a certain talent who's interesting music and stylish music videos have had me impatiently waiting for her debut album - which thankfully is due to drop this February. In fact this artist was featured in my end of the year list. Well, had I checked my email more often I'd have noticed a message from Team Diamond promoting the same video I featured in the previous post. Yes, I've been drawling on about Marina and the Diamonds. It's strangely funny, and pretty amazing, to get an email from the actual press team of an artist you really admire. After the jump a beautiful acoustic version of "Hollywood."

I WISH I was that beautiful close up.

She's Marina.
You're the diamonds.

And the video that sparked my obsession - really no pun was intended.

Look for her debut album sometime in February.
It's bound to be very good.

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